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Monday, September 24, 2012

Internship (SMNY Holdings Sdn Bhd)

yeaa... today i'm so happy..guess what? the result of internship already came out..alhamdulilah..i got A's.. so, its make my pointer for last the sem achieved my target..syukur alhamdulilah.. walaupun tak la 4 flat..its was good what..hehe.. still in dean list.. alhamdulilah.. ^_^  btw i had my practical at SMNY Holdings Sdn Bhd at Kemaman, Terengganu. It was a housing developer agency la.. kite ditempatkan di Marketing department.. i think i already told ya before.. never mind.. =P hehe..although kite ditempatkan di Marketing Dept.. but dorang letak kite duk kat bahagian operator..meaning to say, i need to handle 2 job at one time..huhu.. seyesly memg dugaan besau jadi operator..yela customer got different behaviour..lau da ramah tu ramah sangat..lau yang xley sabau tu..memg sentap la kene maki hamun..huhu sabar jela..iye dop? hehe pape pun..i was really enjoy my internship at SMNY coz semua staff memg gila2.. best sangat..dorg sporting..even mak2 budak..hehe.. SMNY ni banyak anak2 syarikat.. kite ditempatkan kat Holdings..means ibu pejabat la an.. kat holdings xramai staf lelaki..majority they ar women..ada la a few male staff but can count ngn jari la hehe.. tapi an staff lelaki ni orang kuat company..most of them already worked almost 30 years plus2..taw.. respect gile la kat dorang..loyal gila ngan our director Dato' Hj Mohd Noor Yusof..or as known as Dato' Md Noor Taja, i have no idea why people called him like that...dari mana datang Taja tu pun xtau..hehe..whatever la.. my practical period was only for 2 month.. kejap gile an? memg xsempat nk kaut knowledge manyak2.. hehe.. but still got some experiences yang i may not get from the lecture..i missed them huhu..nak2 kak Ida.. which is the person i closed most.. da anggap cam kakak sendiri da.. liza also..miss her..xpela.. nanti balik kampung still can meet them..hehe 

intern..huhu operator yang wat marketing...kau hado?? non hadooo :P

with kak Ida

with Liza..intern from poly PD :)

With Kak Ani Pengarah urusan di SMNY..which anak Dato' Md Noor..memg friendly..xsumbunk.. :)

with Mr.Raja Durai which is my Supervisor hehe..

with Kak Sohabah..Dato' Secretary..:)

with kak emi, kak teha and kak su..havoc geng oppss hehe

with kak gee and mok noh..hehe.. 

with akak2 at finance and audit department.. 

actually there's a lot of picca..but ni je yang mampu den sharekan hehe..see ya.. (^_^) rse cam nk update pasal raya aritu.. tapi tengok la dulu..lau rajin heee :P

2 Owg Conteng Entry:

Anonymous said...

wahh.. gambar umi saya pon ada

Jutawan Bella said...

Siapakah umi anda Cik anon? Hehe